October Horoscope 2016 - By Firewolf

Happy Halloween!

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
In matters of love and relationships, the month of October will be filled with new opportunities and open roads. If you are in an already existing relationship, expect to be making future plans and celebratory engagements. In matters of job and career, October is it's not the month for new partnerships - new ventures and new opportunities will be presented towards the end and the month.  Avoid gossip and slander in the workplace. Burn a Protection Candle to keep away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted vibrations.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
In matters of love and relationships, the month of October will bring happiness, new roads and all around blessings. If you are single, a new relationship may bloom towards the middle of the month.  In matters of job and career, now is your time to invest and plant seeds of future prosperity. Carry a Good Luck Conjure Bag - for a minimum of seven days - to attract all-around good fortune and prosperous blessings.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
The month of October will bring positive change and well-needed rest and relaxation. In matters of love and relationships, present relationships will evolve and commitments will strengthen. New relationships will bloom - both personal and plutonic. In matters of a job and career, now is the time to use your head - victory, prosperity and success is around the corner. Once a day, for seven days - burn a few pinches of Money Drawing Incense to attract wealth, prosperity and riches.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
You will find the month of October to be filled with important decision-making and immediate changes. In regards to love and relationships, the month of October will bring you to a "make it or break it" decision.  Avoid past relationships.  Success is at hand, in matters concerning job and career - your intellect and drive will bring you ahead.  New job opportunities and paths are ahead.  Wear a few drops of Success Potion to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
You will find yourself busy socializing and enjoying the season with family and friends for most of the month. The month of October is not the month for major decisions in regards to love and relationships.  In matters of job and career,  you will be surrounded by expansion and opportunity. Take-on only what you can handle. During the month of October, be sure to find time to rest yourself and relax your personal vibrations Burn a Balance & Tranquility Candle to bring balance, harmony and peace into your personal space.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
We will spend most of the month of October focusing on finances, future investments and the home. Personal relationships will be on the back-burner - your focus mainly on reestablishing your physical foundations. Trouble and turmoil in job and career is over, prosperity and abundance will surrounds you during the month of October. Carry a Money Drawing Conjure Bag - for a minimum of nine days - to attract wealth, prosperity and riches.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
The month of October will bring both physical, mental and spiritual healing. In regards to matters concerning love and relationships, present relationships will remain at a peaceful pace, new relationships will evolve towards commitment. In matters of job and career, success and victory is at hand, follow your instinct judgment, and personal intuition. Expect a financial increase towards the end of October or beginning of November. Burn a Clear Roads Ahead Candle to open and clear away any and all obstacles on your path towards success.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
The month of October will bring success and happiness in all your endeavors. In regards to love and relationships - now is your time to shine! Love is in the air and happy relationships will surround you.  In matter concerning job and career, the month of October will be filled with open roads, new opportunists and promotion.  Wear Protection Potion to keep away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted vibrations.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
The month of October will bring a balanced and happy mindset.  In matters of relationships, old troubles and concerns will dissolve, new paths of happiness and enjoyment will open. In matters of job and career, growth and opportunity will be presented - bringing financial success at the towards of the year.  Burn a Cleansing Candle to remove and purify negative or otherwise unwanted energies.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
You will spend most of October focusing on present projects and beginning new ventures. You will also spend most of your time enjoying the autumn activities and expanding your creative side.  Job and career will flow - stress free. A new and surprising business opportunity may also cross your path.  Carry a Money Drawing Conjure Bag - for a minimum of nine days - to attract wealth, prosperity and riches.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
The month of October will bring growth and self-realization in matters concerning love and relationships.  You will find a deeper sense of happiness in your present relationships. If you are single – new love will bloom towards the end of the month. In regards to job and career, the month of October will bring success with a few mundane difficulties.  You will be victorious in all endeavors.  Burn a Success Candle to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
The month of October will bring success and victory in matters concerning love and relationships. In regards to job and career, new venture and paths of prosperity will open - success is at hand and hard work will pay off.  New partnerships will begin – bringing success and abundance later in the spring.  Carry a Clear Roads Ahead Conjure Bag - for a minimum of seven days - to open and clear away any and all obstacles on your path towards success.
By: Firewolf

October 2016 Horoscope - By Firewolf


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