March Horoscope 2016 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
The month of March will bring a heightened sense of passion in matters concerning Love and Relationships.  If you are single – a new relationship may be around the corner.  You will spend most of the month of March planning and strategizing future business and financial endeavors.  In matters of Job and Career, success and victory will surround you!  Burn a Protection Candle to keep away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
The month of March will bring new perspectives in present and future relationships.  You may find yourself re-evaluating your personal requirement concerning Relationships.   Avoid insecurities taking the best of you, leave worry and doubt at the door.  Avoid needless quarrels and debates with close friends and family. In Job and Career, the doors of victory will open; new venues of success will be presented towards the end of the month.  Carry a Good Luck Mojo Bag to attract luck and good fortune in all of your endeavors.

Gemini (May 21st - June 21st)
The month of March will bring new opportunities in matters of Love and Relationships. Balance and victory will be achieved in any matter of the heart – bringing healing and empowerment for the future.  In matter of Job and Career – you will overcome present obstacles, later opening doors of prosperity and abundance.  Avoid useless debates and quarrels with co-workers.  Burn Peace and Balance Incense - once a day - for seven days to attract and promote peace and tranquility.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
The month of March may bring some discord in matters of Love and Relationships.  Over-analyzing your present situation regarding Love will bring catastrophe.  Now is the time for you to relax and collect your thoughts and opinions.  Avoid impulse. In matters concerning Job and Career, a new promotion or financial bonus may be granted towards the end of the month.  March is the month where you will reap the rewards of your efforts. Wear a few drops of Healing Potion on your wrists and neck to attract healing vibrations and aid you in solving your present love dilemmas.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)
The month of March will bring strength and a deeper sense of belonging in matters concerning Love and Relationships.  March will also bring closure to pain and insecurities from the past.  In matters of Job and Career – your present goals will be accomplished. Embracing your natural sense of pride and determination is key to your success.  Burn a Success Candle to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
During the month of March, commitment and focus will surround you in matter regarding Love and Relationships. Avoid analyzing your past experiences and accept yourself for who you are. If you are single, new love may enter your life towards the middle of the month.  In matters concerning Job and Career, a new job opportunity may be presented, be sure to take your time before venturing down that path.  Success is inevitable.  Carry a Money Drawing Mojo Bag to attract a steady flow of prosperity and success.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
The month of March will bring a sense of completion and stability in matters concerning Love and Relationships. During the month of March you will find yourself spending most of your time indoors, enjoying the company of family and friends. New Opportunities and ventures in Job and Career will be presented.  You may find yourself reconsidering your present career path. Burn Success Incense once a day for seven days to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
The month of March will bring a stronger sense of communication and compromise in matters concerning Love and Relationships. Focus on your personal happiness and desires - later this will provide you with what you are lacking. New business opportunities may be presented.  You may find yourself brainstorming the possibilities of a small business or financial venture.  Wear a few drops of Success Oil to attract victory and success in all of your endeavors.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
The month of March will bring balance, harmony and peace in all aspects of Love and Relationships.  If you are single you may expect to begin a new and exciting love affair. Be sure avoid petty arguments, needless confrontation and resolutions with those from the past. The month of March will bring growth, expansion and success in matters concerning Job and Career. Burn a Protection Candle to keep away any and all negative or otherwise unwanted energies.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
During the month of March you will find yourself seeking a few moments of solitude.  Now is the time to clear your mind and re-evaluate your present situation regarding Love and Relationships. Petty dramas may lead to endless quarrels, finding a healthy escape plan will be detrimental. You will spend much of March organizing and preparing your physical home, personal affairs and business affairs.  In matters concerning Job and Career you may expect a promotion or financial bonus towards the end of the month.  Carry a Love Drawing Mojo Bag to attract positive love vibrations.

Aquarius  January 20th - February 18th
The month of March will bring a new perspective in matters concerning Love and Relationship.  A new, fresh mature outlook will guide you to success and happiness. In matters concerning Job and Career, the month of March will bring recognition and achievement. Burn Clear Roads Incense to clear away any obstacles in your path of success.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
The month of March will bring balance and abundance in matters concerning Love and Relationships.  The month of March will be filled with pure enjoyment and celebration.  Spring is here and you are ready! Clarity and focus is the key to your success in matters concerning Job and Career. Wear a few drops of Money Drawing Potion daily to attract a steady flow of wealth and prosperity.

By: Firewolf

March 2016 Horoscope - By Firewolf


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