December Horoscope 2016 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th) The month of December will bring moments of pure joy and positive energy. In matters concerning Love and Relationships - present love will grow – new truths will be revealed. If you are single - expect a new relationship opportunity towards the end of the month. Compromise and encouragement will strengthen your present relationships – both personal and plutonic. In matters concerning Job and Career – new ventures and partnerships will be presented. Burn a Balance & Tranquility Candle to promote peace, balance and positive energies. Taurus (April 20th - May 20th) The month of December will bring new understandings in every aspect of your life. In matters concerning Love and Relationship – a new change will lead you towards happiness. Listening to your heart will bring you towards your desired relationship goals. You will spend most of December enjoying holiday festivities with family and friends – be sure to find time ...