Ye Olde Witches’ Yuletide Body Oil Recipe

I wanted to share with you this beautiful oil recipe that can be worn directly on the skin or given as a wonderful holiday gift.  The ingredients of this blend are believed to be sacred and correspond to the Yuletide occasion and spiritual workings. 

one cup Virgin Olive Oil
two cup Grape Seed Oil
one cup dried balsam fir
one teaspoon frankincense
one teaspoon myrrh
one teaspoon allspice
one teaspoon nutmeg
one teaspoon sea salt
one teaspoon honey amber
ten cinnamon sticks
twenty one cloves
five holly leaves

In a non-enamel pan simmer all of the ingredients for at least 15 minutes. As the brew is simmering you may want to recite a personal incantation or chant directed towards the Yuletide occasion. Allow the brew to cool. Strain the brew into dark glass bottles and tightly seal. Wear or anoint a few drops of this magickal potion onto your doors, candles and crystals to attract love, happiness, healing and to attract all-around blessings. This recipe can also be used during any Yuletide spiritual working.  - By Firewolf

For All-Natural Magickal Bath Blends Click Here:


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