July Horoscope 2015 - By Firewolf

What do the Stars have in store for you?

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
During the month of July, be sure to nurture your emotional well-being and self-confidence. Temporary obstacles may be present. In both Career and Relationships, creative thinking is the key to removing the obstacles you have accumulated;  In Love and Relationships, the July summer will bring heat and a heightened sense of passion. Job and Career will bring a steady flow of prosperity; your personal life may become an obstacle towards desired financial expansion. Wear SuccessOil to bring victory and success in all endeavors.

Taurus  (April 20th - May 20th)
Be sure not to fuel petty arguments with needless concerns.  Doors will open towards present and new Relationships.  Problems in Love and Relationship will be resolved towards the end of the month.  Success and achievement will surround you in Job and Career, new venues will open and a possible higher paying position will be presented. Wear Love Potion to enhance and empower your present or new Relationships.

Gemini  (May 21st - June 21st)
In Job and Career, you will shine! Talents will be revealed and new business opportunities may be presented. The doors will open towards commitment in matters of Love and Relationships.  Present Relationships will deepen and connections strengthened. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract wealth and riches.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
The month of July brings resolution, clarity, and understanding in both your personal and professional life.  During the month of July, Love and Relationships will be your primary focus, passion will heighten and new relationships may begin.  New opportunities and project may be presented, now is the time to be creative and embrace your dreams. Carry a Water Magick Conjure Bag to keep your energies and vibrations cool during the month of July.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
The month of July will bring personal doubt and unnecessary worry. Pride and impulsive behavior may lead to relationship troubles and indecision. Do not make decisions when you feel cornered.  Expect a pleasant surprise from a family member or close friend. Organizing finances will be important; large purchase plans may be made.  Burn a Love DrawingCandle to attract and bring balance to your Love and Relationship life.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
During the Month of July, new roads will be opened in Love and Relationships. Your romantic life will flourish and you may even explore different sexual ventures. Negativity at work will surround you, do not allow yourself to be dragged into mundane dramas. In Job and Career, independent projects will boost your finances; new business ventures also may be presented. Burn a Protection Candle to keep away any and all negative energies

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
During the month of July, your primary focus will be on creating a happy and pleasant home. New business projects will be planned, later bringing an extra form of income. July is your month of passionate love, sensuality and connection. Have fun and enjoy! In Job and Career; goals and projects will be finished; new projects will begin. Burn a Happy Home Candle to keep the energies and vibration in your home, tranquil and protected.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 22nd)
During the month of July, you will enjoy much of your time with family and loved ones. You will be planning family events and activities, be sure to find some time to relax and rejuvinate. Avoid overworking yourself. Love and Relationships will be filled with moments of relaxation, recreation and celebration. New ideas and creativity will lead you towards success in Job and Career. Carry a Quartz Crystal to amplify and attract blessings and positive energies.

Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
During the month of July, ego and self-doubt will lead to communication problems in Love and Relationships. Your energies are revitalized with the summer season, find time to go outdoors. During the month of July, answer concerning love will be discovered. Stagnancy, laziness and delays may occur in Job and Career during the Month of July.  Change will be need in New Job and Career; new opportunities will arise. Burn a Career Candle to attract a new career or higher paying job.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Love and Relationships will be peaceful and constructive during the month of July. Keeping a fine line between relationships and careers, will lead to deeper and more satisfying partnership. You will begin to weave new projects and ideas, which will lead to prosperous earnings. Job and Career will be filled with new roads and opportunities. Burn a Sword & Crown Candle to bring stability and empowerment.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
In Love and Relationships, indecision and distraction may cause future problems.  The roads to love will open and deepen towards the end of July. Your focus on Job and Career will lead you towards taking the first step to future accomplishment. Goals and projects will be achieved, be sure to find time to celebrate.  Burn A Healing Candle to promote healing and good health.

Pisces (February 19th - 20th)
Emotional sensitivity needs to be acknowledged in your relationships. Trust your instincts and avoid insecurities that will prevent you from vocally expressing yourself. Avoid creating problems within your relationship and examine the positive. A financial raise or bonus may be expected towards the end of the month of July. Burn Love Drawing Candles to heighten and attract love vibrations.

By: Firewolf

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