Blessing Recipes - Agonalia - May 21st!

On May 21st the Agonalia Festival was observed by the ancient Romans. During this celebration, libation was offered to the Gods Janus, Jupiter, Vediovis, and Dionysus.

Date: May 21st, December 1st, January 9th, March 17th
Symbols: Masks, Two Headed Man, Two Faces, Coins, Clocks
Gods & Spirits: Janus (Ianus), Jupiter, Vediovis, Dionysus
Colors: red, black, blue
Herbs & Flowers: frankincense, amber
Magick: opening roads, understating deeper mysteries, clearing paths, 
overcome struggle, hidden knowledge, resolving disputes, joy, blessings, rites of passage


one cup olive oil
one teaspoon frankincense
one teaspoon rose buds
one dram frankincense oil
two drams rose oil
quartz crystal

Simmer the olive oil, frankincense, quartz crystal and rose buds in a non-enamel pan for five minutes. You may want to recite a personal incantation or prayer while the blend is simmering. Allow the brew to cool. Using a wooden spoon, blend in the other oils. Store in tightly sealed white or blue glass bottle. Wear or anoint a few drops of this magickal potion onto your doors, candles and crystals to attract blessings and empowerment.


one teaspoon copal
one teaspoon frankincense
one teaspoon lotus root
one teaspoon rue
one teaspoon white rose buds
pinch sea salt
13 drops lavender oil (optional)

Blend and grind the herbs together and add the drops of oil. Burn this blend on a glowing charcoal during rites of passage and sacred ceremonies.

- By Firewolf


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