June 2014 Horoscope - By Firewolf

Summer is finally here! The summer heat fills our spirits with thoughts of laughter and celebration. What do the Stars have in store for you? Aries (March 21st - April 19th) Achievement and success will flourish during the month of June. New Projects and aspirations will be planted; later to be harvested in the late fall. Energies will be revitalized as the summer heat rises. Attention and focus will be needed in Love and Relationships. Solutions will be granted with careful “listening” and “focus.” Carry Quartz Crystals to aid concentration and focus. Taurus (April 20th - May 20th) For Taurians, the month of June will be filled with good fortune, abundance and prosperity. Goals will be reached and new opportunities will be offered. A “Bonus” or “promotion” towards the end of the month may be received. Attention is needed in Job and Career. Avoid work rivals and petty gossip. In Love and Rela...