The Sacred Twins of the Sea - The Dioscuri

On January 27th, the ancient Romans celebrated the dedication of the temple of Castor and Pollux - The Sacred Twins  of the Sea - who are recognized as the constellation Gemini.

Date: January 27th
SymbolsTwin Boys, Twin Merman, Two Shells
Gods & SpiritsCastor, Pollux, Jupiter
Colorsblue, green, white
Herbs & Flowers: lavender
Magicktriumph over adversary, success, victory

Homer's Hymn to Castor and Pollux

Ye wild-eyed Muses, sing the Twins of Jove, 
Whom the fair-ankled Leda, mixed in love With mighty Saturn's Heaven-obscuring Child, 
On Taygetus, that lofty mountain wild, Brought forth in joy: mild Pollux, void of blame, And steed-subduing Castor, heirs of fame. 
These are the Powers who earth-born mortals save And ships, whose flight is swift along the wave. When wintry tempests o'er the savage sea Are raging, and the sailors tremblingly 
Call on the Twins of Jove with prayer and vow, Gathered in fear upon the lofty prow, 
And sacrifice with snow-white lambs, the wind And the huge billow bursting close behind, 
Even then beneath the weltering waters bear , The staggering ship—they suddenly appear, On yellow wings rushing athwart the sky, And lull the blasts in mute tranquility, 
And strew the waves on the white Ocean's bed, Fair omen of the voyage; from toil and dread 
The sailors rest, rejoicing in the sight, And plough the quiet sea in safe delight.  

Published by Mrs. Shelley, "Poetical Works", 1839, 2nd edition; dated 1818.


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