Feast of Lights Magick Collection! @Superstitious

THE FEAST OF LIGHTS - Candelora, Candlemas, The Ascension of Kore - February 1st Throughout history the month of February has marked the Earth’s transition from winter to spring. As we begin to feel the strengthening warmth of the sun, the earth begins to bloom, the cold winter is replaced with fresh greenery and delicate blossoms. Both flora and fauna begin to awaken from their winter slumber and are reborn once again. On February 1st we celebrate the Feast of Lights or the Ascension of Kore. During this time, we Witches honor and celebrate the renewal of the virginity of the Earth and bid farewell to the winter cold. The Festival of Lights is a period of homage for the many blessings the Great Mother Goddess has bestowed upon us. In our Witches tradition, during the Festival of Lights, we call upon and welcome the Goddess Kore-Persephone. She is the Maiden of Rebirth, the Protectress of Witches and Preserver of the Earthly Cycles. In honor of Kore’s return, small f...