MAY 2020 Horoscope - By Firewolf
Aries (March 21st - April 19th) The month of April will bring accomplishment - additional effort and dedication will be required. You will need to strive for both peace and balance. In regards to Love and Relationships, communication will play an important role – being clear in your goals and desires will lead you to a deeper sense of closeness. If you are single, you may meet a new lover through a work-related event towards the end of the month. In regards to Career and Finance, avoid slacking off - focus and hard work will be required for you to gain victory in the weeks ahead. Burn a Success Candle to bring success and victory in all of your endeavors. Taurus (April 20th - May 20th) The month of May will be a period of repair, both physically and spiritually. In regards to Love and Relationships, you may find yourself letting go of unobtainable realities, keep in mind that by diminishing those ties will create space for new love to grow. In regards to Career and Finance, yo...