Ghost Quest Ritual Oil Recipe– By Firewolf

The ingredients of this blend are believed to heighten psychic power and to enhance communication with those who have passed on to the Spirit World. three drops laurel essential oil nine drops poplar absolute thirteen drops myrrh absolute one ounce pomegranate seed oil two ounce glass bottle pinch of Graveyard Dirt Begin by pouring the pomegranate seed oil into the two ounce glass bottle. Add each drop of oil in the following order: myrrh, poplar and laurel. Stir each ingredient into the bottle, one at a time - as you add each ingredient, bring your thoughts towards enhancing your personal psychic forces. Add the graveyard dirt last. When finished, seal the bottle tightly and to keep this blend stored in a dark, cool place. This oil may be worn as a magickal perfume or used during rites focused on enhancing psychic power and communicating with the those in the Otherworld. - By Firewolf