May 2019 Horoscope - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th) The month of May will usher reward and recognition, in both your financial and personal life. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, current relationships will strengthen, new adventures and new beginnings will surround you. In matters concerning Career and Finances, new partnerships and career opportunities will be presented at the end of the month. Past efforts and projects will begin to manifest success. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to attract wealth, riches, and prosperity. Taurus (April 20th - May 20th) The month of May will bring release from sorrow and tribulation, from both your mind and heart. The month of May brings new roads, roads of happiness. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, effort on your part is required to bring peace and balance to your current relationships. Exciting news awaits you. In matters concerning Career and Finances, ‘drama’ and mundane trouble may arise at work, avoid becoming...