June Horoscope 2018 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th) The month of June will bring needed change, new wisdom and personal growth. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, both clarity and new-found strength will empower present and new relationships. If you are single, a new relationships may bloom towards the end of the month. In matters concerning Finances and Career, seeds of future success will be planted. You will spend this month preparing and budgeting your finances for future endeavors. Carry a Water Elemental Conjure Bag to ‘cool’ your personal vibrations and create a channel for change to flow. Taurus (April 20th - May 20th) The month of June will be filled with new ideas and a new sense of independence. Embracing your creative spirit will fuel your personal desires and goals. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, you will spend the month of June sorting out past sorrows and pains - a happy future is ahead beyond this hurtle. In matters concerning Finance...