
Showing posts from March, 2018

A Springtime Spell… By Firewolf

To ensure prosperity and success during the year ahead, on any night during the week of the Spring Equinox - light a green candle and chant out loud the following incantation, three times, “Blessings to the enchanting Spring.   To you Ancient Ones, this spell I sing. To Anna, who turns the wheel of time, may you heed this simple rhyme. To Flora, who breathes life into every flower, heed this charm this very hour. To Proserpina, Queen of Life and Lady of Death, we welcome you and spring’s new breath. Beautiful Spirits of the spring, to you this charm I chant, blessings of prosperity and good fortune I wish for you to grant.” Allow the candle to burn out completely. Blessed Spring from Firewolf and Superstitious!

March 2018 Horoscope - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19 th ) During the month of March, success and victory will surround most of your endeavors.  In current relationships, obstacles will be diminished, clearing the roads for deeper commitment. The end of the month will bring new paths and new projects, bringing later success in the summer season. Burn a Protection Candle to keep any and all negative or unwanted vibrations at bay. Taurus (April 20th - May 20 th ) March will be a time of inspiration and new ideas. During the beginning of the month, you will find yourself resting and rejuvenating. This period of intermission will nourish your creative mind. Positive change and a new direction in regards to Career will be presented during the end of the month. Trust in your personal intuition. Carry a Good Fortune Conjure Bag to attract luck and good fortune in all of your endeavors. Gemini   (May 21st - June 21 st ) The month of March will bring open roads and new opportunities in regards t...