September Horoscope 2016 - By Firewolf

Aries (March 21st - April 19th) In matters concerning Love and Relationships, the month of September will bring new roads and a deeper sense of passion. Self-healing will guide you towards happiness and success. In matters concerning Job and Career, success and victory will be at hand - new ventures may begin towards the end of the month. Burn a Money Drawing Candle to keep a steady flow of prosperity and abundance. Taurus (April 20th - May 20th) The month of September will bring abundance in all of your endeavors. Stay grounded. In matters concerning Love and Relationships, present relationships will flourish. If you are single, you may expect to begin a new and exciting relationship towards the end of the month. A financial raise or promotion is expected in the near future. Carry a Success Conjure Bag to attract success and victory in all your endeavors. Gemini (May 21st - June 21st) Although the beginning of Sep...