Samhain Protection Body Oil Recipe

The ingredients of this blend are held to be sacred to the Witches’ holiday - Samhain ( Halloween ) and believed to provide spiritual protection. one-ounce pumpkin oil forty-five drops sage oil twenty drops bay (laurel) oil ten drops pine oil one teaspoon crushed marigold three apple seeds ½ teaspoon mandrake root one small obsidian stone one small citrine stone In a dark glass bottle blend the ingredients together. You may want to recite a personal incantation or chant while adding each drop of essential oil. Wear or anoint a few drops of this magickal potion onto your doors, candles and crystals to bring about spiritual protection and as an anointing oil that can be worn during any Samhain rite or festivity. For all-natural and handmade potions and oils click here: